by Joe Gilmour-Rees

A diagram of a pyramid with multiple layers, demonstrating Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, with Basic Needs at the bottom and Self-fulfilment needs at the top. Framed in comic book style window, with words "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs" in top left corner.

We have created a digital version of these cards for you, so you can play wherever. If you click the refresh button above, another random card will be drawn from the deck – you can do this as many times as you like.

PHOTO CREDITS: Royal Opera House by Gabriel Varaljay via; Spaceship by Alina Oleynik from the Noun Project; Warrington by David Dixon; Gambia on globe – Flappiefh; Crowd of People in Concert with Lighting – via Pickpik; Paints and Brush – Sarah Brown via; Canoe – Filip Mroz via; Film maker – Erica Lewis via; Sketch of Leeds by Rosetta; Sketch of Coffee Shop by Glennis; Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – Nmilligan via Wikipedia.